Monday, May 30, 2016

MWANGA'S "We Will Rule" Album Launch: Do not miss out on what the Lord is doing in this season!!

I remember this day like the first and last time I witnessed an ultra sound, that moment when I witnessed my nephew take little breaths of life. My world stood still for a moment, my world stood still people!

And so this day when Mwanga had their first album launch, as most of us stood still in the presence of the Lord, in that auditorium, nothing could have possibly convinced us that God does not exist.  He was alive, right there among us, just like he was in the little breaths of life my nephew was taking in that womb.  

This was in 2014 during the release of their debut album by the name "God of Flavor", the year the Lord was restoring all that the devil was taking from me. Some of y’all may not even understand these terms I’m throwing here today but you just seek a moment in the presence of God…..all those fallacies that atheists talk about will vacate premises! Shift houses kabisa!

I’ve never really looked at myself as the straight up Christian who's perfect and all, but in the presence of God I’m like a hopeless romantic. I just give in and loose it! I stand there like a child, utterly helpless!!

In the presence of God is when all guards break loose. This is where you forget about your little achievements that make you feel a little better than others in a crowd. This is when the man or woman you love stands beside you insignificantly. This is when your guilty pleasures that have been striking you with endless guilt somehow tend to stand way behind you as you take in God’s presence. 

This is when you stand amazed at a God so good! A God so merciful! A God so gracious! A God whose wholeness you can’t fathom because even the greatest thoughts you have of who He is can’t describe him in the most subtle of ways.

This God of ours!

This God of ours exists! He exists whether we acknowledge it or not! And in Mwanga’s ‘We Will Rule’ album launch there’ll be a most plausible opportunity for us to experience Him once again. Here is "We Will Rule" Trailer 2016

Most of us go to God for all sorts of reasons. Others simply because they desire to grow in their relationship with Christ….but others, where the majority of us are categorized, we just go to God because of our helplessness. We go to God for redemption, for restoration, for reconciliation. We go to God to confess about our sinful nature. We go to God to tell Him about what burdens us. To tell him about our sexual misconducts, our hell-condemned escapades, our failures, our fears…..and mainly we go to God because He is the only one we can be true to. He’s the only who allows us to feel that despite how irredeemable our lives have been, He’d still consent for us to come before Him and worship Him. We go to God for victory! We go to Him to rule again! 

The opportunity to take back what the devil has stolen from us is here again! Let’s show up, let’s be there in numbers. Gather everyone, even the person sited next to you in that PSV. Let them know that here is an opportunity for us to worship. Here is an opportunity to stand naked and yet be most covered. In worship is where truth sheds off everything on and in you and covers you with the Holy Spirit.

There will be a Premier For the "We Will Rule" Album on the 2nd of June 2016 at the Westgate Mall from 6PM-9PM. Moreover the Album Launch will be held at the Parklands Baptist Church on the 5th of June 2016.

I do not want to miss out on what the Lord is doing in this season. I need a lot of Jesus…..and so I’ll make me available. I’ll go for this launch just as I am, you should too!