Friday, April 15, 2016

About Long Distance Relationships

It begins with all bubbles.

Love messages

At that point one almost believes that all heaven was created for you.

I got drunk once and in that moment the world seemed like the heaven the pastor preached about the Sunday before: this is how a moment in love feels.

It’s all glamour until you have to escort your other human to the airport till next time.

The wahalas of a long distance relationship are a pain none can fathom.

Made worse by whether or not there’s a large water mass separating you because that only means that the time difference will strain the relationship further.

On some days you talk for a whole stretched 18 hours and on other days the conversation only stretches as far as ‘Good mornings’.

Life thrives with so much activity but it’s never ultimately fulfilling because your other human is not there to capture that memory with you.

And therefore you keep on with life……making plans, building a future around each other, updating each other on all the activities, moods, joys, pains, the sense, the nonsense, all the family drama, all the Davids and Delilahs that hover around like evil spirits out to devour the good children of God...hehe

Months pass….you try to visit each other’s families, attend each other's family events, because above and beyond the fact they are now part of your enlarging family, you also desire to feel the presence of your other human through them. Because somehow you can talk about your other human’s childhood, likes, dislikes, with people who have loved this other human before you even knew them.

Their friends visit the country and you know that deep down you want to meet them more than they want to meet you because through them, this other human feels closer.

You imagine that since they both were breathing the same air….that somehow there was an exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide and that through the inhalation and exhalation a part of your other human was transported to you….(this shows a lot of desperation….lol)

Months pass, and your anniversary comes, you celebrate it with a phone call…maybe a Skype call.
Birthdays come, and you enjoy it but imagine how different it would have been if your other human was here to leap through this new year with you.

Anyway, what I am trying to say with many words is that long distance relationships can suck the marrow out of your bones…yet; they are the true test of love, trust and commitment. Though where there is love then trust and commitment should be engulfed in it.

I miss you my other human :) 
Musa, Judy, Omi at For You Chinese Restaurant on Valley Arcade, Nairobi  (Photo credits: MDK) 

Friday, April 8, 2016


There are some people who make our lives so beautiful
Those that allow us the beauty of a smile, of comfort, and of joy unbound
There are those that despite the tides that blow our way still give us that silent reason to smile
There are those that hold us dear and even in the worst of situations we’d still want to keep them close
I imagine the above is what our mothers think of us.
That when they pray for us and our wayward, sinful natures, they only see the angel in us.
I’m yet to conceive and deliver a child, but for a good reason God is surrounding me with expectant and young mothers.
They come my way in strange ways.
Others scared because they didn’t expect a child so soon…others excited because against all odds they’ll get to experience the joy of motherhood.
It is a beautiful feeling, I imagine
To have a child kick in you, to have a young one born from your being.
It must be beautiful to experience the joy of motherhood.

My beloved mama 
I’m blessed to have a mother, to have a woman who has known me from conception to this very minute. Do we ever stop to think about how miraculous that is?
She’s held me at my best and at my worst.
When papa couldn’t clear my fees she’s the one that showed up at the finance office to ask for an allowance of time, that I may stay in school, as she does something about the situation.
When papa couldn’t understand my tears as I cramped every month, mama understood, she ensured I put something in my mouth even if I threw up every bit out.
When papa had to be away on ‘official duties’ mama acted like we too didn’t know why he was leaving, she was strong for us..
When papa broke her heart mama still stayed home because she wanted the men who’d come to ask for her daughters hand in marriage to find an intact family.
She loved so deeply, that on the day the man I loved the most broke my heart she allowed me to tell her a decent lie that I’m leaving for the prayer mountain to pray for the family but in real sense I was going to seek answers from God on why pain had to be so painful.
It is mothers that stand with us….mothers that know us…mothers that grow us.
Mama gave, she lacked so that her family had.
Mama stayed home alone, as we slowly moved on with our lives.
Now she calls us every day to remind us that she still cares.
There exists a group of mothers that are not mothers to their young ones; we forgive them.
There as well exists a group of mothers that have left us before their time; may their souls find rest.
There is a group of mothers who didn’t have to bear children to take up the role, by choice or circumstance they are now mothers; we celebrate them.
And then there are those who heaven has called into motherhood and to them nothing really matters most; we love them.
I know that as you read this you can picture that mother you’d like to celebrate. Dedicate this post to her and let her know that you’d appreciate her in a million ways but none would describe your gratitude best.
I dedicate this post to my mama, sisters (Janet Ngeno Minah Nasimiyu Wabuke) and to a best friend, a soon to be mother, I had lunch with today after being away from each other for about 7years. You give us all the reasons to celebrate motherhood.