I fall, I sin, I even delight in sinful ways.
I am a spiritual adulterer as I mourn and groan in
the arms of another in sinful lust.
I am frail, I
am fragile, I am weak and I know it.
I am sick, so sick of this kind of life but still I’d
rather be sick than be healed by the Healer.
I’d rather soar high in sin because then the world
would embrace me still.
BUT! Each time I settle for less, the spirit in me asks, “Who
is like He that loves me anyway?”
“Who is He that says I should come as I am?”
He that says that I am His child, as prodigal as I am.
So I rejoice in my weakness. I rejoice in who I am. I
love what I am becoming. Because I know that the Lord is working on me.
He is! Yes! He is!
He is working on me!
He is working on me!
My flesh fails me. I am weak….but He loves me
anyway. He lifts me anyway. He tells me He is doing a new thing in me anyway!
He whispers whenever I care to listen.
He gives me insight whenever I care to see.
He says I am His and the spirit He put in me when I
accepted Him is jealous, jealous for me!
He says He is raising a Gideon in me.
My background does not allow me….my sinful nature discourages
me….my fragility in thought and in speech remind me that I am but human.
But still He loves me.
I see many people proclaiming how strong they are.
I see many more speaking of how capable they are.
I see even a whole lot more who trust in themselves
so intently that they claim trust in oneself is all it takes to go up the
stairs of life.
But as for me, I am nothing on my own.
I am nothing without my creator.
I am nothing if He is not everything to me.
I fall, I sin, I even have ungodly thoughts, I got
envy, I have pride, and I hunger and covet for what’s not mine. And that's not even all...
But with Him in me, a new thing is done, a new thing is made!
With Him in me, a whole creation abides!
With Him in me, I stand!
With Him in me I am able to smile, to laugh, to
sing, to write, to dance, to rejoice the loudest in the crowd. To walk in a
grace that transcends my innermost being. To hold and to be held by the potter.
To rest in the shadow of the Almighty because He, I AM, has found in me a worthy
place to lay his Head.
He is all that and so much more to me!
To speak and command authority I shall because it is
Him that is working in me.
So Yes! I am weak, but He that is in me is strong.
He is the ancient of days, if He raised a Gideon
then, He shall raise a Gideon in me now!
Praise the Lord, O my soul!
Praise the Lord!