Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Daily Prescription of Envy

What if all your friends' posts are on their perfect relationships and how they're progressing from 'in a relationship' to 'engaged' to 'married'?

What if all their status updates are about their happy families?

What if they keep on uploading beautiful photos reflecting their beautiful lives.

What if they have a great inner circle of friends who always remind them of how important they are?

What if they keep posting on how God keeps blessing them day after day,and they give evidence of blessings as well?

What if they keep talking of their joy in salvation? 

And it does happen daily on facebook and all these social cites.

Yet You're experiencing none of it if any.

You wonder why or how they've got their act together and you don't.

I'll be clear about one thing,JUST BECAUSE THEY DON'T EXPOSE THEIR STRUGGLE DOESN'T MEAN THEY DON'T STRUGGLE! Otherwise they'd seize to be human beings.

You can't ask THEM to quit.

Others post to convince themselves that they have perfect lives,which no one does.

Others post because they're trying to run away from the reality of their struggle.

Others post out of pressure.

Others post because they simply and selfishly want to stir envy amongst their peers.

And others post,because they innocently desire to share their JOY(note that I only said joy) with the rest of the world.

You envy them forgetting that they too,even in that good relationship that they portray to be in...even in that perfect family they post about...a beautiful life they live...they do have joys,but at every one point in their lives,they too have struggles.

If you can handle the heat,REJOICE with them!

But, QUIT if you can't.

Who said your life depended on social media?

You deserve so much better than a daily reminder of how,amongst your peers,you're the only one stuck on the same page.

You can't progress with a daily prescription of ENVY.

You either overcome envy...or it will overcome you!

Choose one!

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